Logo Old Growth & Old Homesites
Mill Creek, Fannin County, Georgia
December 2019
All Text & Images:
Copyright (2019-2020)

My friend Cliff and I spent a day exploring for old-growth
trees and old home sites in the vicinity of Mill Creek.

Lower section of a cascade along upper Mill Creek

Upper cascade

This entire area is full of huge White Pines.
It's unusual to find a location with so many Pines of this size...

Same tree - it was the first one we measured here.
165 inches in circumference

Remains of the first chimney we came across

Prior to our visit, I had marked the locations of several homesites from the 1898 maps.
This one hadn't shown on the maps, although that's not unusual...

One more angle on the chimney remains

This image gives a taste of how densely the old growth Pines grow here.

This moss-covered stone pile was found about mid way between the first two homesites we came across.

Huge Pine
This huge White Pine was our BIG find of the day.
We measured a circumference of 179 inches (57 inch diameter, almost 5 feet!)
It was later determined to be the Champion Eastern White Pine tree in Georgia!

Not far along was the remains of an old stone-lined spring head.

Nearby, Cliff found a piece of quartz that looked like it might be a chipped tool.

We saw stone walls and rock piles as we approached the first homesite location shown on the old maps.

The former large building here had two chimneys facing each other, 50 feet apart.

This chimney still showed the remains of the firebox, while the second chimney was completely collapsed.

Rear of the first chimney

The other chimney, now just a collapsed pile of stone..

Heading for another spot, we kept an eye out for another homesite I had mapped.
We found two, but unfortunately these chimneys were completely collapsed.

The last area we visited had some large Tulip Poplars.
We had a ways to go to get back, so we only visited a few of them here.
There is a monster old growth tree not far uphill from this spot...

Fannin Co. Index Old Growth Index
NE GA - NC Index Waterfalls Index