Logo Diltz Gold Mine
White County, GA
All Text & Images:
Copyright (2023)

Several adits here, along with shafts and pits, comprised what was known as the Old Diltz Mines.

Water Ditch
It appears that a water ditch, similar to the much longer nearby
Hamby and Yonah Ditches, carried water to this mine..

I first found some prospect pits, and then this larger cut.

Next to it was another mining cut.

Nearby, I saw a large pit, with what appeared to be a caved-in shaft at the bottom.
Most vertical mine shafts that I find are caved-in / collapsed.

Another pit

The end of this cut had what might have been a tunnel entrance, now collapsed.

Looking into another large deep pit, with a shaft at the bottom.
But this didn't look like the usual caved-in shaft!

I moved around the steep rim a bit; the shaft definitely looked open.

I climbed around to the opposite side of the rim...
Sure enough, this shaft was still open to the bottom.

A closer look reveals the intersection with a horizontal drift!
Unfortunately, without any climbing gear, I wasn't about to try to get down there...

Not far away, I came across a tunnel-adit entrance.

Entry into the tunnel
The initial section was a little tight...

Near the mouth of the tunnel
a side pocket held what may have been the housing for an air filter.

You can't tell from the photos, but parts of the tunnel were narrow,
and not high enough for a tall guy like me to walk upright.

I passed a side adit, about 30 feet long.
The wire hook near the top was probably to hang a lantern.

The tunnel was too narrow to turn with my backpack, so I
continued a ways before setting up for any more photos.

This tunnel was apparently worked in more recent times,
judging by the electric lights and the drain pipes.
Towards the rear of this image, the tunnel makes a left turn.

After the turn, the tunnel starts to rise.   Here, there was a partial ceiling collapse.
One can climb past it on the left, but it was getting
late and I needed to get out and back to my truck.

Heading back out...
You can see in the distance that the adit goes through some rises and dips.

Coming back to the mouth of the tunnel...

Smithgall Woods Index Towns-Union-White Co's N GA - W NC Index
All Text & Images: Copyright 2023.